Thursday, February 28, 2013

No Arbitrage For Existence

No Arbitrage For Existence
While fostering my newfound penchant for the subject of economics, I came by a concept that kindled my imagination towards a seemingly unrelated field of philosophy.  I harbor a school of thought wherein I believe that every subject that we learn under an education system of any time and space, every theory we study, every formula has an equivalent in nature. That’s not a very queer idea as everything has at some point emerged out of nature. Knowing that fact and linking it with another theory of nature has made me believe that there has to be a reason behind why such theories as the ones we study under Science or Economics or any subject for that matter should work in our daily lives. Its nature’s way to teach us her laws in simpler and less complex forms.  I call these mammoth brain wracking theories of modern education which take years of studying, simple and less complex because however tough they may seem and whatever time they take to be deciphered and understood by a brain, they can at least be understood in a lifetime as opposed to the theories of life and nature which take several life spans.
One such theory I recently encountered was the theory of No Arbitrage. Its kernel is the fact that there is no such thing as a riskless profit. It states that if you invest in a cash flow that gives only positive returns in the future then it has to be bought by spending equivalently and conversely if you sell a cash flow that would earn the buyer positive returns in the future then he has to have paid his dues for it. In other words there is no such thing as Something for Nothing just as well as, luckily for us, there is no such thing as Nothing for Something. The fact that such a theory when put forward by a spiritual person or a spiritual tome faces disregard while the same theory in more complex terms with x and y’s inside a book that reads a complicated title on its front cover is accepted as if chiseled in bronze is amusing. The reason for that may be the fact that its applications in our day to day lives is more evident in the form that the books put forward than its applications in life in general. Perhaps that’s where faith comes in, when you believe in a law that may not always seem obvious.
This theory can in simple words also be described as Law of Compensation. That one would be compensated for every deed he or she commits, in perfect proportions is difficult (though not impossible) to observe and believe, and to work in accord to it, keeping it as a blue print for all actions that one takes and all sacrifices that he or she makes should work out in one’s favour in the long run, just like in Economics, where this theory is purely theoretical but ONLY through its application, and working according to it can bestow profits. So for all those times that I’ve heard from so many people how unjust their lives have been, I believe they fail to see the bigger picture. They seem to have been walking through a garden where they only remember the thorns pricking them and conveniently forget about the roses.  The Universe is a perfect sphere, so what goes around will come around. Hence, no mortal can ever have everlasting uncompensated state of high or low alike so there is no Arbitrage for Existence.